We encourage members and visitors to tithe a portion of their income to God so that the ministries of the church might be successful in addressing the spiritual, intellectual, physical, and environmental needs of people.
Tithing is defined as ten percent of one’s income and it is part of our stewardship of God’s financial resources. To be a steward is to be a manager of that which has been temporarily placed in our possession. Our time, our talent and our tithe are all temporary possessions that
God has made us stewards over.
If you desire to be a good steward (manager) over the resources God has placed in your possession, please consider giving in the worship service, by mail or online.
Currently at Phillips Memorial CME Church several of our offerings supports the following educational institutions:
Lane College in Jackson, Tennessee
Miles College in Birmingham, Alabama
Paine College in Augusta, Georgia
Texas College in Tyler, Texas
Phillips School of Theology in Atlanta, Georgia
Health institutions:
Collins Chapel Connectional Hospital
Church projects:
Stewardess Board "Clothing Closet", which provides clothing items to the homeless, job referreal programs, elementary schools, and so forth.
Missionary Society "Brown Paper Bag" project, which provides water and non-perishable food items to the homeless community.
And much more!
Ways you can donate:
In Person
By Mail
Please make sure that you provide a name and address on all giving envelopes. Visitors who give in the offering should retain their cancelled check to receive tax credit for their offering.
Many of our ill and homebound members as well as those members who may work periodically on Sundays opt to mail their tithe and offering.
If you would like to mail your tithe and offering, please make sure that your name, address and giving amount is listed on each offering envelope
so that you might receive credit on your financial statement for your giving.
We have made it possible to contribute your tithes and offerings through our online giving option by using our
PayPal button (look for the
"Donate" button) and our Givelify button (look for the "Give" button).